A Seattle author’s advice to new parents: ‘Nothing should stop you from going places that you love’
Angela Garbes became a mom in 2015, and as a food writer at The Stranger (and a producer-of-food for a tiny human), she had a lot of questions. Her first dive into the world of research around pregnancy and motherhood started with a fascinating article about breast milk.
That inspired her to write Like A Mother: A Feminist Journey Through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy, which seeks answers she couldn’t find in other baby books — covering everything from exploring placental research to interrogating why alcohol became equated with “maternal misbehavior.”
“My biggest hope for the book is that anyone who was born could pick up this book,” she told us. “Maternal health is not just about moms — it’s the foundation of everyone’s health, and there’s a lot to learn.”
What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone who might have kids?
The truth is there’s one way that you’re going to parent and it’s your way. You are a complex person, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all method.
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